thispost is related to the self confidence thang.
yes i really do. i've been thinking a lot about this lately. i have the perfect subject,i have the lines. but i dont have confidence. all the critisism... dislikers... thumbs down-ers... douchebaggy friends. AND i have a weird voice when in camera. :I now i know that i cant say SSSSS properly. any advice?? haihhhh.....
Hi There Random Reader!
I have dreams, I have a life and I have a story. This is where I unleash my babbling capability. Some you may not understand but thanks for reading it anyway.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Friday, June 10, 2011
Self Confidence
This will be my first post. in malay! :D note: i gonna use the work AKU
Self Confidence. biase dengar sudahhh! aku ni salah satu mangsenye -.-' aku ni sah tkde self confidence langsong. sikit2 tu ada laa tapi lainnye semua takot, risau.... heh.... ade bnyk kategorei self confidence aku nih
1) tengok profile picture facebook member2 semua cantik2. aku pulak biase... normal... bole2 je laa... diorang kalau buat muka cute memang menjadi. muka skema ngan blur pon boleh jadi cute... -.-' AJAIBB. heh... aku ni pon jeles la jugak tgok bnyk org komen cute lah... smart lah... aku punya?? KOSONG. nak buat muke cute tu... memang nak. tapi tak CONFIDENT. takut orang kritik! dah la kawan aku banyak yang jenis kritik ngan picky sikit. so muka2 'cute' aku tu hanya tersimpan dalam IPod... takde sapa sudi tgok :') memang takde confidence kalau nk post gmbar diri! nanti org sedap2 kate gedik!
2) Tengok kawan... semuanye cantik... slim, molek, gebu, cun, hensem and bak kata Azib, GORGEOUS. so bila tengok diri... heh mula lah! lengan berlemak! kaki berlemak! kesan luka banyak! gemuk! gigi teruk! sebenarnye... dulu2 tak kisah pon. tapi bila masok darjah 6 and tingkatan 1 lain jadinye. lelaki dah mulut laser! pernah lah jugak satu budak india ni (nama secret: KANAN) kanan ni dulu2 masa drjah 6 duduk depan aku. pergh mulut semacam! satu hari ni, aku marah lah dye. pastu sedap2 balas dgan ejekan. mentang2lah aku seorang je kat skolah tu yang pakai braces, nak ejek2! dye pernah ejek gigi arnab, rongak, bnyk lagi lah.... masetu, ade la 'bodygaurd' aku yang ddk sebelah aku ni (nama secret: MARY DJAMEELAH) marydjameelah ni baik gile. protective lah jugak! tapi mase dye ejek tu, mary tu tengah baran ngan dye, tanpa disedari.... aq kat tepi tu tunduk sambil menangis je lah! Ye... aku darjah enam nangis kat skola! pastu.... dye pon pernah kate a gemok lahhh...lalalala.... sejak tu, aku xde self confidence abt my looks... THANKS A LOT KANAN!
sah bile belajar xde confidence! ade tu ade laaa... tapi... dengar je lah! -.-'
dah masuk KRK ni... lain cerita! semua TOP TOP gile! dulu... aku slalu top ten... sekarang? HMPH! top 20! so bile nak study exam tu mulalah otak aku tuh! "takkan punye aq top 10" "pergh! AFIQAH ngan taufik HIDAYAT tu pandai sangat! unbeatable! mcm lah aq boleh pass diorang! nak je campak ke asrama!" haihhh.... kalau kumpul semua, boleh jadi novel! tak tipu. bile study tu aku xde confidence la... knowing people are better!
So tu lah al kisahnya.....
ASSALAMUALAIKUM! kalau xjawab dosa, kalau jawab sayang! ;D
Self Confidence. biase dengar sudahhh! aku ni salah satu mangsenye -.-' aku ni sah tkde self confidence langsong. sikit2 tu ada laa tapi lainnye semua takot, risau.... heh.... ade bnyk kategorei self confidence aku nih
1) tengok profile picture facebook member2 semua cantik2. aku pulak biase... normal... bole2 je laa... diorang kalau buat muka cute memang menjadi. muka skema ngan blur pon boleh jadi cute... -.-' AJAIBB. heh... aku ni pon jeles la jugak tgok bnyk org komen cute lah... smart lah... aku punya?? KOSONG. nak buat muke cute tu... memang nak. tapi tak CONFIDENT. takut orang kritik! dah la kawan aku banyak yang jenis kritik ngan picky sikit. so muka2 'cute' aku tu hanya tersimpan dalam IPod... takde sapa sudi tgok :') memang takde confidence kalau nk post gmbar diri! nanti org sedap2 kate gedik!
2) Tengok kawan... semuanye cantik... slim, molek, gebu, cun, hensem and bak kata Azib, GORGEOUS. so bila tengok diri... heh mula lah! lengan berlemak! kaki berlemak! kesan luka banyak! gemuk! gigi teruk! sebenarnye... dulu2 tak kisah pon. tapi bila masok darjah 6 and tingkatan 1 lain jadinye. lelaki dah mulut laser! pernah lah jugak satu budak india ni (nama secret: KANAN) kanan ni dulu2 masa drjah 6 duduk depan aku. pergh mulut semacam! satu hari ni, aku marah lah dye. pastu sedap2 balas dgan ejekan. mentang2lah aku seorang je kat skolah tu yang pakai braces, nak ejek2! dye pernah ejek gigi arnab, rongak, bnyk lagi lah.... masetu, ade la 'bodygaurd' aku yang ddk sebelah aku ni (nama secret: MARY DJAMEELAH) marydjameelah ni baik gile. protective lah jugak! tapi mase dye ejek tu, mary tu tengah baran ngan dye, tanpa disedari.... aq kat tepi tu tunduk sambil menangis je lah! Ye... aku darjah enam nangis kat skola! pastu.... dye pon pernah kate a gemok lahhh...lalalala.... sejak tu, aku xde self confidence abt my looks... THANKS A LOT KANAN!
sah bile belajar xde confidence! ade tu ade laaa... tapi... dengar je lah! -.-'
dah masuk KRK ni... lain cerita! semua TOP TOP gile! dulu... aku slalu top ten... sekarang? HMPH! top 20! so bile nak study exam tu mulalah otak aku tuh! "takkan punye aq top 10" "pergh! AFIQAH ngan taufik HIDAYAT tu pandai sangat! unbeatable! mcm lah aq boleh pass diorang! nak je campak ke asrama!" haihhh.... kalau kumpul semua, boleh jadi novel! tak tipu. bile study tu aku xde confidence la... knowing people are better!
So tu lah al kisahnya.....
ASSALAMUALAIKUM! kalau xjawab dosa, kalau jawab sayang! ;D
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Youth Leadership Programme (part 2)
I got 'CHAMPION' for public speaking show case under 15 :) |
Thanks Mr. Gerald Quinten for bringing us here :D |
'photographer and the tall guy' |
YLP Trip!!!! |
happiness! WOOOO (Seraphina and half of Nur) |
Our seats? economy clas??? no no no ;D |
Business class??? nahhh... not there yet |
May be the happiest girl alive O.O (Merlyn) |
'supporters' of Mr. PM. (reezal, Daniswari, Seraphina, Paulita, Merlyn, Nicholas PHANG, Nur's arm) |
Enjoyin da life (Joel) |
That's right people! FIRST CLASS! we be sittin here. |
LIKABOSS!!! (Theeban) |
yep ah... just spot checking some stuff (pillow) |
O.O may your soul tremble! |
We landed. in Malaysian Airlines Academy! xD up there is our 'classroom' |
PM ownes this MODEL plane |
Monday, June 6, 2011
Youth Leadership Programme
1st - 3rd June (Malaysian Airlines Academy)- I went to the Youtuh Leadership Programme and I am a future TOASTMASTER. two words. PURE. and AWESOMENESS.
LONGGGGGG Briefing |
I call it.... the Retarded Strawfrancisco Bridge |
team red! xD |
Mr. Emil Anthony giving us 'nasihat' |
Lunch, as you can see is awesome |
Iman Adira :D |
Seraphina Valerie Fernandez! (awesome name! T.T) |
what the guys do... we girls shall never know O.O |
Nicholas WONG's derp face |
mini conference. |
i LOLed |
team yellow's 'bridge' |
Mr, Bernard on GESTURES |
come here to stalk us. :) |
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Planning out za reunion
surely for people have learned together for six years, separate for half a year seems like forever... so holding out a reunion sounds like the most awesome idea. try watching this for awhile in youtube. yea just type that... things will get a bit clearer
SK seksyen 19 Ex- Students at the De Palma Swimming Pool
Mashushita Shah Alam:
-Fun water slides
SK seksyen 19 Ex- Students at the De Palma Swimming Pool
see how happy we are. . . playing. . . IN THE POOL. so clearly got an idea to have a reunion related to water. They all seem to like this idea... almost all -.-' so this year's reunion concept will be either swimming or walking at the park OR just a normal reunion at a fast food restaurant and the karaoke room. i vote for swimming!!! and i got some places we can go for a small amount of money. im going to list them with the pros and cons
Mashushita Shah Alam:
-quite near
-not expensive at all
-deep enjoyable water
-attire. only allowed if swimming with swimsuits. not t-shirts
-quite a dull environment
-a more cheerful environment
-cheap entrance fee
-clean water
-good changing rooms
-outside pool always out of order
-inside pool only for staff and swimming students
-same depth from start to end
Wet World Shah Alam:
-Freakin Awesome!
-Fun water slides
-giant double floats
-have different pools-not THAT expensive
-food stalls and shops
-water of little kids' pee
-group can easily separate from others
-usually packed
hard to keep track of things
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Wet World |
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So what do you think? i somehow have the urge to go to PADE. somehow people need good votes and reasons.
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